A quick example

Amputation is the opposite of imputation: the generation of missing values in complete datasets. That is useful in an experimental setting where you want to evaluate the effect of missing values on the outcome of a model.

MultivariateAmputation is designed following scikit-learn’s fit and transform paradigm, and can therefore seamless be integrated in a larger data processing pipeline.

Here, we give a short demonstration. A more extensive example can be found in this example. For people who are familiar with the implementation of multivariate amputation in R-function ampute, this blogpost gives an overview of the similarities and differences with MultivariateAmputation. Inspection of an incomplete dataset can be done with mdPatterns.

Note that the amputation methodology itself is proposed in Generating missing values for simulation purposes and in The dance of the mechanisms.

# Author: Rianne Schouten <https://rianneschouten.github.io/>
# Co-Author: Davina Zamanzadeh <https://davinaz.me/>

Transforming one dataset

Multivariate amputation of one dataset can directly be performed with fit_transform. Inspection of an incomplete dataset can be done with mdPatterns. By default, MultivariateAmputation generates 1 pattern with MAR missingness in 50% of the data rows for 50% of the variables.

import numpy as np

from pyampute.ampute import MultivariateAmputation
from pyampute.exploration.md_patterns import mdPatterns

seed = 2022
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

m = 1000
n = 10
X_compl = rng.standard_normal((m, n))

ma = MultivariateAmputation(seed=seed)
X_incompl = ma.fit_transform(X_compl)

mdp = mdPatterns()
patterns = mdp.get_patterns(X_incompl)
plot easy example


/home/dav/research/pyampute/pyampute/exploration/md_patterns.py:120: FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead.
  group_values = group_values.append(colsums, ignore_index=True)

A separate fit and transform

Integration in a larger pipeline requires separate fit and transform functionality.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X_compl_train, X_compl_test = train_test_split(X_compl, random_state=2022)
ma = MultivariateAmputation()
X_incompl_test = ma.transform(X_compl_test)

Integration in a pipeline

A short pipeline may look as follows.

from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pipe = make_pipeline(MultivariateAmputation(), SimpleImputer())

X_imp_test = pipe.transform(X_compl_test)

By default, SimpleImputer imputes with the mean of the observed data. It is therefore like that we find the median in 50% of the rows (of the test set, which contains 25% of m) for 50% of the variables.

medians = np.nanmedian(X_imp_test, axis=0)
print(np.sum(X_imp_test == medians[None, :], axis=0))


[  0   0 120 120 120   0 120 120   0   0]

For more information about pyampute’s parameters, see A mapping from R-function ampute to pyampute. To learn how to design a more thorough experiment, see Evaluating missing values with grid search and a pipeline.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.226 seconds)

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